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📢Marele Print angajează #tehnicianproducție #tehnicianreclame #colator #decorator
📢Marele Print angajează #tehnicianproducție #tehnicianreclame #colator #decorator

hashtag#oportunitatejob hashtag#locuridemunc hashtag#angajare hashtag#bucure hashtag#sector2 hashtag#mareleprint hashtag#print 🧰 Ce vei face?
Vei lucra cu colegii în departamentul de producție la pregătirea și finisarea materialelor publicitare: bannere, postere, colant, panouri, sisteme expoziționale, casete luminoase sau litere volumetrice luminoase.
Activitatea se desfășoară în principal la sediul nostru din sector 2, cu unele deplasări pentru montaje la sediul clientului.
Programul de lucru este de luni până vineri, între 09:00-17:00.
✨De ce? Afișează tot


Sector 2, România

Technically Competent
Sudori MIG MAG, Personal productie subansamble metalice
Sudori MIG MAG, Personal productie subansamble metalice

hashtag#CV hashtag#iasi hashtag#miroslava hashtag#angajare hashtag#sudor hashtag#presator hashtag#operatorcnc hashtag#locdemunca hashtag#fabrica hashtag#productie hashtag#reglor hashtag#confectiimetalice hashtag#sudura hashtag#lacatus hashtag#prelucrarimecanice hashtag#asam Angajam pentru fabricile noastre din IASI/Tatarasi si din Miroslava - Tel./WhatsApp 0743.204.732:
????Sudori MIG MAG (Iasi)
????Operatori CNC (Iasi)
????Presator metale la rece (Miroslava)
Ce profil cautam:
Experienta anterioara pe un post similar dе minim 2 ani;
Cunostinte privind tehnologia executiei lucrarilor dе sudura/ operare masini CNC;
Cunostinte despre utilizarea dispozitivelor si echipamentelor dе fixare, pozitionare si manevrare, masurare; Afișează tot



Locuri de muncă, rapid și ușor
IT Server

hashtag#software hashtag#LAN hashtag#WAN What you will achieve:
* Build strong relations with business users and IT team members to better learn and understand the methods in which IT hardware, #software and networks are utilized throughout the company
* Work with system users and IT team members on the server, storage and LAN/WAN system requirements, improvements and support
* Make recommendations to business and IT teams on how to improve server, storage, #LAN and #WAN environment usage and operations Afișează tot



Cisco Client Server Technologies
CALIFICARE prin Evaluare, fără curs
Educație / Training
CALIFICARE prin Evaluare, fără curs

hashtag#ZIDAR hashtag#ZUGRAV hashtag#MA hashtag#ELECTRICIAN hashtag#SUDOR hashtag#L hashtag#TINICHIGIU
Alege să te înscrii rapid și online pentru următoarea SESIUNE DE EVALUARE organizată de Centrul OPTIM AD CALIFICĂRI, la Brașov, pentru obţinerea CALIFICĂRII de:

#ZIDAR, Pietrar, Tencuitor - 750 lei
#ZUGRAV, Ipsosar, Tapetar, Vopsitor - 750 lei
# MOZAICAR, Faianţar - 750 lei
# DULGHER, Tȃmplat, Parchetar - 760 lei
#MAŞINIST la maşini pentru terasamente - 760 lei
#ELECTRICIAN Constructor - 820 lei
#SUDOR - 850 lei
#LĂCĂTUŞ Mecanic - 790 lei Afișează tot


Braşov, România

Devops engineer
IT Software
Devops engineer

hashtag#Lifecycle hashtag#CI Responsibilities:

· understands the Software Development #Lifecycle

· must have the understanding of various automation tools for developing digital pipelines (CI/ CD pipelines).

· will be responsible for implementing DevOps and achieving automation & orchestration of tools, will help to migrate team to best practices CD/CI with full automation where applicable.
Afișează tot



Locuri de muncă, rapid și ușor
Security engineer

hashtag#SOC2 hashtag#ISO27001 hashtag#Linux About the company
A live gaming platform company with worldwide operations and studios.

o Part of DevOps team with a focus on security
o Design, pilot and deployment for new security solutions across cloud environments.
o Implement, configure, and upgrade cloud computer systems, servers, firewall, intrusion-detection and network infrastructure using security best practices and incorporating solutions to meet or exceed #SOC2, ISO 27001, and other regulatory requirements. Afișează tot


zona metrou pipera, România

Social Media Marketing Amazon EC2 Amazon VPC Compliance PCI HIPAA Information Security Engineering PCI-X Security Engineering
Locuri de muncă, rapid și ușor
IT Software

hashtag#security hashtag#devops hashtag#cicd hashtag#docker hashtag#linux hashtag#kubernetes hashtag#python hashtag#java hashtag#apis hashtag#developer hashtag#cloud hashtag#microservices hashtag#Helsinki hashtag#isoskills Developer cu experienta pe security, familiar cu CI/CD DevOps si zona telecom. Se incepe remote, insa de doreste interes pentru relocare Helsinki, Finlanda cand se relaxeaza situatia curenta.

Role description:
- identify customer needs, define requirements and drive product development
- skills in one or more of the following languages: C/C++, Python, Go, Java
- very good with Linux environment, tools and APIs -
- experience in Authentication and Authorization Afișează tot


Helsinki, Finlanda

Java Linux Kubernetes Python
Locuri de muncă, rapid și ușor
IT Software
Net Developer WPF/WinForms

hashtag#L3 How we are?
High-Tech Systems & Software develops enterprise line of business applications that covers a broad range of platforms, technologies and devices. Our technical teams are on the lookout for new colleagues to join them in the quest of providing an efficient bridge between business needs and technical solutions, and delivering software solutions that add value to our customers.
Required Skills:
Proven experience with .NET/C#, Design Patterns; Afișează tot



Javascript Agile .NET AngularJS C# CRM Data Access jBase - jQuery WinForms
Locuri de muncă, rapid și ușor
IT Software
Java development-REMOTE

hashtag#limba hashtag#germana #limba #germana
Required German
Language Skills
Project Description-Maintenance of the current GPS-tracking application for the infrastructure.
Project Duration-6 months
Experience Level
Required-L4 – Principal
L5 – Senior Manager
Competency Focus: Java Backend-Development, Java Servlets and Apache

Others: JDBC, SQL, Flyway, JMS, J2EE / JEE, Hibernate, JPA
Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Jquery
WebServices Experience: REST, SOAP, Jax-RS, Jax-WS
WebServer: Apache Tomcat Afișează tot



Locuri de muncă, rapid și ușor
IT Software
Java development-REMOTE

hashtag#limba hashtag#germana #limba #germana
Required German
Language Skills
Project Description-Maintenance of the current GPS-tracking application for the infrastructure.
Project Duration-6 months
Experience Level
Required-L4 – Principal
L5 – Senior Manager
Competency Focus: Java Backend-Development, Java Servlets and Apache

Others: JDBC, SQL, Flyway, JMS, J2EE / JEE, Hibernate, JPA
Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Jquery
WebServices Experience: REST, SOAP, Jax-RS, Jax-WS
WebServer: Apache Tomcat Afișează tot

fulltime, remote


Java HTML5 Apache HTTP Server CSS German GPS J2EE Web Services JAX-WS SOAP Tomcat

hashtag#Java hashtag#J2EE hashtag#HTML hashtag#CSS hashtag#JavaScript hashtag#LINUX hashtag#TOMCAT hashtag#Location A GPS-Tracking portal for customer which is working on the construction

Construction machines like caterpillar, excavators and so and truck etc.
are equipped with GPS-Tracker. The GPS-Tracker send data to our
portal and the customer have the possibility to see where the vehicles
are. Additionally they have more options for reporting and see digital
delivery notes from asphalt mixing plants. Basically the client is used for
process control. Afișează tot

fulltime, remote


Java 8
Java 8

hashtag#PostgreSQL hashtag#Javascript hashtag#jQuery hashtag#Linux 1 week stays at Client in Germany, onsite first, then remote
Java developer mid+ Sr Java 8 cu #PostgreSQL
... continue to develop our software …..
... work on the conception and design of our solutions
.... assess change requests
... support the team during the design and testing phase
... implement the application
... carry out automated tests
... support the operational business as a technical point of contact for our
internal support team Afișează tot

fulltime, remote


Plombier sanitaire for LUXEMBOURG
Plombier sanitaire for LUXEMBOURG

hashtag#Langues hashtag#Fran Une personne qui peut réparer de manière autonome les douches, les toilettes ET qui peut installer, réparer et changer le chauffage central.
#Langues : #Français
Véhicule (Car): Titulaire du permis B (voiture).Les salariés seront véhiculés par la société
Contrat (contract): Contract selon les lois de Luxembourg
Salaire (salary): 1800 Euros Netto, 49 Heures de travail
Nourriture (food): 7 Euros par Jour Afișează tot



Locuri de muncă, rapid și ușor
Luxembourg -tiler

hashtag#tiler hashtag#Langues hashtag#French hashtag#B #tiler
#Langues : Français – #French pro communication level
Véhicule (Car): Titulaire du permis #B (voiture).Les salariés seront véhiculés par la société
Contrat (contract): Contract selon les lois de Luxembourg – Luxembourg labor contract Luxembourg law.
Salaire (salary): 1800 Euros Netto, 49 Heures de travail
Logement (apartment/house): Payé par société Afișează tot



Muncitori Constructii
Muncitori Constructii

hashtag#limba hashtag#franceza
Se angajeaza 1-faiantar 2-zidari 3-gletuit si muncitori cu experienta in diferite etape in constructii.
Se asigura toate utilitatiile cazare ,transport plus 7euro/zi tichete de masa ,salariul 1800 euro /net
Se cere experienta in domeniu plus #limba #franceza e obligatorie.
Bilet de avion platit de companie
cv infomunca2019@gmail.com
Afișează tot


France et Luxembourg, Franţa

Locuri de muncă, rapid și ușor
Soferi camion -Stuttgart

hashtag#limba hashtag#germana #limba #germana Angajator german care caută șofer CE 40t pentru camion
Contract de muncă în Germania, salariu 2700 brut
Se lucreaza 5 zile pe saptamana .
Necesită un minim de limbă germană Afișează tot


Stuttgart and Umgehbung, Germania

Locuri de muncă, rapid și ușor
Junior Project Management Office-Mons, Belgium

hashtag#Project hashtag#Management hashtag#Computer hashtag#PMO hashtag#team hashtag#leader hashtag#1 hashtag#year hashtag#Microsoft hashtag#EPM hashtag#Prince2 hashtag#Scrum hashtag#PMP Location: Mons, Belgium
Security Clearance: NATO Secret

Provide #Project #Management Office support to the project, including scope,budget and schedule maintenance.
Maintain the Enterprise Project Management tool updated for the project and assist the project manager in any relevant duties. Afișează tot



Locuri de muncă, rapid și ușor
Referent Telemarketing

hashtag#career hashtag#telemarketing hashtag#VestioRomania hashtag#cabinetesidulapurimetalice hashtag#solutiinudoarvanzare hashtag#sales hashtag#arad hashtag#career hashtag#telemarketing hashtag#sales hashtag#arad hashtag#lifeatVestio hashtag#recruiting hashtag#opportunity hashtag#jobs hashtag#careeropportunities hashtag#teamwork hashtag#growwithus hashtag#VestioRomania hashtag#cabinetesidulapurimetalice hashtag#solutiinudoarvanzare Căutăm noul nostru coleg/colegă! #career #telemarketing #VestioRomania #cabinetesidulapurimetalice #solutiinudoarvanzare #sales #arad

Eşti candidatul ideal dacă:
- eşti absolvent de liceu;
- ai iniţiative şi eşti amabil;
- eşti punctual şi responsabil;
- eşti orientat spre rezultate;
- ai bune cunoştinţe de utilizare PC, în special Excel şi Word.
Ce trebuie să lucrezi?
- realizarea managementului potenţialilor clienţi;
- prezentare şi promovare prin telefon; Afișează tot


Arad, România

Locuri de muncă, rapid și ușor
We are looking for C ++ linux developers in Helsinki, Finland

hashtag#C hashtag#Linux
We are looking for C ++ linux developers for a contract in Helsinki, Finland.

Job Qualifications
Typically requires a bachelors or masters degree in computer science, information systems or related disciplin
Must have a general understanding of software development concepts, principles, and theory and demonstrate the ability to follow and apply the use of programming and analysis concepts
Should have experience with the following: #C++ application development, OOP, Multi-threaded application development on #Linux
CV on infomunca2019@gmail.com Afișează tot


Helsinki, Finlanda

Locuri de muncă, rapid și ușor
Cautam C++ linux developer

hashtag#C hashtag#Linux Cautam C++ linux developers pentru un contract in Helsinki, Finland.
Job Qualifications
Typically requires a bachelors or masters degree in computer science, information systems or related disciplin
Must have a general understanding of software development concepts, principles, and theory and demonstrate the ability to follow and apply the use of programming and analysis concepts
Should have experience with the following: #C++ application development, OOP, Multi-threaded application development on #Linux
CV on infomunca2019@gmail.com Afișează tot


Helsinki, Finlanda

Locuri de muncă, rapid și ușor
Developers opportunities!

hashtag#sharepointdeveloper hashtag#netdeveloper hashtag#developers hashtag#powershell hashtag#bucharest hashtag#websphere hashtag#sharepoint hashtag#sqlserver hashtag#webservices hashtag#bucuresti hashtag#middleware hashtag#linux hashtag#it hashtag#jobsearch hashtag#senior hashtag#senior hashtag#job hashtag#recruiting hashtag#recrutare Daca iti doresti o pozitie de Developer APLICA cu CV nou pe awork si te avem in evidenta pentru viitoarele posturi care apar saptamanal.
Multumesc! Zi buna tuturor!

#sharepointdeveloper #netdeveloper #developers #powershell #bucharest #websphere #sharepoint #sqlserver #webservices #bucuresti #middleware #linux #it #jobsearch #senior #senior #job #recruiting #recrutare Afișează tot

part time, remote


 National Dealer Manager
National Dealer Manager

hashtag#recruitment hashtag#leadership hashtag#b2b hashtag#leohr hashtag#dealership hashtag#management hashtag#searchandselection hashtag#talentmanagement hashtag#business we are looking for a National Dealer Manager !
(result oriented / leadership abilities / business travel)
#recruitment #leadership #b2b #leohr #dealership #management #searchandselection #talentmanagement #business Afișează tot


National, România

Locuri de muncă, rapid și ușor

hashtag#Caut hashtag#serioase hashtag#material hashtag#C hashtag#implic hashtag#Activitatea hashtag#legal hashtag#ritmul hashtag#cost ????????#Caut strict persoane #serioase care doresc să își îmbunătățească situația #materială. ????#Câștigurile financiare și celelalte beneficii sunt pe măsura #implicării tale. ????#Activitatea se desfășoară #legal. ????Lucrezi în #ritmul tău, cât vrei și de unde vrei.???? Nu te #costă nimic să #încerci și poți renunța oricând!???????? Afișează tot



Angajam Izolator
Angajam Izolator

hashtag#angajare hashtag#locdemunca hashtag#job hashtag#hiring Angajam Izolator in cadrul companiei Kaefer Shipbuilding & Contracting. Oferim salariu motivant! Va rugam sa trimiteti CV-ul pe: simona.obreja@kaefer.com.ro sau contactati-ne la: 0728856394

#angajare #locdemunca #job #hiring Afișează tot



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