Locuri de munca

Locuri de muncă, rapid și ușor
IT Software

hashtag#security hashtag#devops hashtag#cicd hashtag#docker hashtag#linux hashtag#kubernetes hashtag#python hashtag#java hashtag#apis hashtag#developer hashtag#cloud hashtag#microservices hashtag#Helsinki hashtag#isoskills Developer cu experienta pe security, familiar cu CI/CD DevOps si zona telecom. Se incepe remote, insa de doreste interes pentru relocare Helsinki, Finlanda cand se relaxeaza situatia curenta.

Role description:
- identify customer needs, define requirements and drive product development
- skills in one or more of the following languages: C/C++, Python, Go, Java
- very good with Linux environment, tools and APIs -
- experience in Authentication and Authorization Afișează tot


Helsinki, Finlanda

Java Linux Kubernetes Python
Locuri de muncă, rapid și ușor
Network Engineer

hashtag#Cloud hashtag#IaaS hashtag#PaaS hashtag#Openstack hashtag#AWS hashtag#Azure hashtag#Cisco hashtag#Network hashtag#Xen hashtag#Docker hashtag#5 This role is responsible for reviewing #Cloud solution designs, understanding
their impact on the associated infrastructure, network and ensuring the
availability of supporting and enabling infrastructure from internal (local and/or
global DCs) and external service providers
Core competencies, knowledge and
 Systems analysis and infrastructure &
network design in hyper-scale
 Infrastructure & Network automation
and configuration management tools, Afișează tot


Aurel Vlaicu (langa Mall Promenada), România

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