Locuri de munca

Locuri de muncă, rapid și ușor
Resurse umane
Technical Recruiter

hashtag#recruiters hashtag#hiringrecruiters hashtag#isoskills hashtag#itjobs hashtag#recruitment Despre job
La IsoSkills cautam un Recrutor cu experienta minima de 1 an pe zona IT pentru echipa noastra din Bucuresti.
Suntem o echipa de persoane calme si respectuoase, care ne sprijinim oamenii. Ne dorim pe cineva activ si entuziast care sa ne impartaseasca valorile si sa doreasca sa stea cu noi pe termen lung.

Disponibilitatea de a ajunge la birou 2-3 zile pe saptamana este apreciata. (zona Aurel Vlaicu, cladirea Floreasca Cube)
Asteptam sa va cunoastem!
www.IsoSkills.fi – IT Services and Solutions Company – Finland and Romania

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fulltime, remote


360 Recruitment Agent Recruitment
Locuri de muncă, rapid și ușor
If you have over 5 years experience in Software Development

hashtag#amsterdam hashtag#magento hashtag#5years hashtag#softwaredevelopment hashtag#skills hashtag#experience hashtag#nl hashtag#dutch hashtag#developerjobs hashtag#developercommunity hashtag#developerlife hashtag#hiring hashtag#magento2 hashtag#magentoecommerce hashtag#ecommerce hashtag#php hashtag#phpdeveloper hashtag#healthcarerecruitment hashtag#healthcarejobs hashtag#healthcareindustry hashtag#netherlands and I will send you to #amsterdam
If you have over 5 years experience in Software Development and strong #magento skills, send me your CV at diana@wklconsultancy.nl and we shall talk about your particular set of skills ;)

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Angajam Izolator
Angajam Izolator

hashtag#angajare hashtag#locdemunca hashtag#job hashtag#hiring Angajam Izolator in cadrul companiei Kaefer Shipbuilding & Contracting. Oferim salariu motivant! Va rugam sa trimiteti CV-ul pe: simona.obreja@kaefer.com.ro sau contactati-ne la: 0728856394

#angajare #locdemunca #job #hiring Afișează tot



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