Locuri de munca

Locuri de muncă, rapid și ușor
IT Software
Test Software Engineer

hashtag#mco hashtag#hrservices hashtag#tgmures hashtag#international hashtag#recrutare hashtag#jobnou hashtag#javascript hashtag#selenium hashtag#serenity hashtag#restweb hashtag#nodeJs hashtag#angular #mco #hrservices #tgmures #international #recrutare #jobnou #javascript #selenium #serenity #restweb #nodeJs #angular#

M&CO HR Services recrutează pentru unul dintre partenerii săi din domeniul IT pentru postul: TEST SOFTWARE ENGINEER.

Te așteptăm să îți depui CV-ul dacă poți răspunde cu DA la următoarele cerințe:

✔ Ai cunoștințe solide Javascript sau Java;
✔ Cunoștințe tool-uri testare automată: Selenium sau Serenity; Afișează tot


Târgu Mureș, România

Java Javascript Selenium Angular Node.js
Locuri de muncă, rapid și ușor
Sunt in cautarea unui React Native,Node.JSDeveloper

hashtag#React hashtag#ReactNative hashtag#NodeJS hashtag#fullstack hashtag#Bucharest We are looking for a motivated self-starter to help develop a property technology application in an Agile delivery model.
#React / #ReactNative - #NodeJS #fullstack developers in #Bucharest
From a personal point of view, we're looking for someone who is innovative, collaborative and has a passion for what they do. You'll be expected to roll up your sleeves and get stuck in from day one.
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Locuri de muncă, rapid și ușor
Sunt in cautarea unui React Native Developer

hashtag#React hashtag#Native hashtag#3years hashtag#experience hashtag#Node hashtag#JavaScript hashtag#Github hashtag#Yarn hashtag#Fastlane The successful applicant will be someone with:
● You have experience building full-cycle products in #React #Native, bonus points for
apps launched in stores.
#3years+ #experience
● #Node.JS
● Seasoned in #JavaScript ES6
● Must be used to employing TDD to accomplish reproducible results that can be
executed in a Continuous Integration pipeline
● Experience with general tooling including #Github, #Yarn, and #Fastlane cv contact@awork.ro Afișează tot



Locuri de muncă, rapid și ușor
Sunt in cautarea unui React Native Developer

hashtag#React hashtag#Native hashtag#Node hashtag#JavaScript hashtag#Github hashtag#Yarn hashtag#Fastlane The successful applicant will be someone with:
● You have experience building full-cycle products in #React #Native, bonus points for
apps launched in stores.

● #Node.JS
● Seasoned in #JavaScript ES6
● Must be used to employing TDD to accomplish reproducible results that can be
executed in a Continuous Integration pipeline
● Experience with general tooling including #Github, #Yarn, and #Fastlane cv contact@awork.ro Afișează tot



Locuri de muncă, rapid și ușor
Sunt in cautarea unui React Native Developer

hashtag#React hashtag#Native hashtag#Node hashtag#JavaScript hashtag#Github hashtag#Yarn hashtag#Fastlane The successful applicant will be someone with:
● You have experience building full-cycle products in #React #Native, bonus points for
apps launched in stores.

● #Node.JS
● Seasoned in #JavaScript ES6
● Must be used to employing TDD to accomplish reproducible results that can be
executed in a Continuous Integration pipeline
● Experience with general tooling including #Github, #Yarn, and #Fastlane Afișează tot



Locuri de muncă, rapid și ușor
Junior JavaScript Developer Wanted

hashtag#JavaScript hashtag#job hashtag#wanted hashtag#developer hashtag#junior hashtag#javascriptdeveloper hashtag#react hashtag#node

Junior #JavaScript Developer Wanted

I am looking for a junior dev in Cluj-Napoca.
Skills wanted:
Node.js is a big plus
MongoDB is pretty necessary but you do not have to be expert.

Feel free to contact me: 0787 838 173 (Eugen), eugen@ams-hr.ro.
#job #wanted #developer #junior #javascriptdeveloper #react #node

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