Locuri de munca
Locuri de munca
Agent de Vânzări
Suntem în căutarea unui Agent de Vânzări pregătit să vândă serviciile noastre adresate companiilor de transport.
Ai energie, pasiune pentru vânzări și vrei să faci parte dintr-o companie în plină expansiune? Nu rata ocazia de a te alătura unei echipe inovatoare și de a contribui la succesul nostru! Te așteptăm!
Salariu fix ( 600-700 euro)
Bonus din vânzări: Bonus lunar pe măsura efortului tau.
Tichete de masă: Pentru prânzuri delicioase.
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Education: Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering or Energy Engineering.
Language Skills: Proficiency in English.
Driving License: Holder of a Category B driving license.
Experience: Previous experience in selling electrical components.
Results-Oriented: Focused on achieving and surpassing targets.
Communication Skills: Advanced communication abilities.
Market Knowledge: In-depth understanding of the market.
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Lead Data Engineer
SuperAwesome focuses on developing products aimed at ensuring child safety and privacy in the digital space – this is the mission of the company.
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Python & SQL Developer
Apridata is a consultancy and solution provider that enables digital transformation. We specialize in business intelligence, workflow automation, and bespoke application development. Our mission is to change the way people work for the better.
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Budapest, Ungaria
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Posturi Gov Mureş 2024
În căutarea de locuri de munca la stat în Mureş?
Aici veți găsi cele mai noi posturi gov Mureş pentru 2024, locuri de muncă la stat în domenii diverse precum armată, învățământ, sănătate, administrație publică și alte instituții publice
Verificați oportunitățile disponibile în posturi gov Mureş
Publicate între:
23 decembrie 2024
23 decembrie 2024
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Medici, infirmier, muncitor calificat, îngrijitor curățenie, kinetoterapeut, psihopedagog
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Posturi Gov Mureş 2024
În căutarea de locuri de munca la stat în Mureş?
Aici veți găsi cele mai noi posturi gov Mureş pentru 2024, locuri de muncă la stat în domenii diverse precum armată, învățământ, sănătate, administrație publică și alte instituții publice
Verificați oportunitățile disponibile în posturi gov Mureş
Publicate între:
23 decembrie 2024
23 decembrie 2024
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Agent Customer Support limba ITALIANA (HIBRID) Iași
-Cunoaștere bună a limbii italiene (nivel B2/C1 - scris și vorbit)
-Studii: minim 12 clase (cu diploma BAC)
-Orientare către client (ascultare activă, empatie, educație)
-Aptitudini pentru rezolvarea problemelor
-Flexibilitate maximă a timpului
-Abilități excelente de comunicare și interpersonale
︎︍︃︆︋︇︃︋︂︆︄︅︁︁︎︌︈︂︇︍︈︆︅️︊︄︈︌︊︎︂︎-Capacitate de a lucra atat individual cat si in echipa
-Experienta anterioara in serviciul clienti reprezinta un plus
-Atitudine pozitiva si orientare catre rezultate
-Cunoștințe excelente de calculator (nivel mediu - Microsoft Office Afișează tot
Reporting Analyst
The Reporting Analyst will be responsible for all aspects of the reporting function, from design through implementation.
Defines reporting projects, including the design, delivery and implementation of Dashboards, reports and key performance indicators;
Implements reporting processes: develops, tests and delivers specific Dashboards and reports, using various technologies and respecting specific Operations processes;
Ensures Data Quality checks;
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Senior Data Engineer
About you:
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experiență în programare JAVA
experienta cu solutii SAP eCommerce
■ Programming languages: Java, Apache Groovy
■ Frameworks/Technologies: Spring, JUnit, Hibernate, SAP
Commerce, React
■ Databases: MySql, SQL Server, Oracle
■ Software Development Methodologies: Scrum, SAFe
■ Tools: Tomcat, Solr, Fredhopper, FirstSpirit
Responsabilitati generale:
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Aveti experienta in contabilitate si doriti sa invatati tot timpul lucruri noi? S-ar putea sa va placa sa fiti noul nostru Contabil !
• Respecta toate reglementările contabile-financiare
• Efectueaza operatiunile de inchidere contabilitate lunara / trimestriala / anual
• Intocmeste rapoarte si prognoze financiare etc.
• Efectueaza audituri si calculeaza taxe
• absolvent al invatamantului superior economic de specialitate cu diploma de licenta
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Analist Credite cu limba germană
Responsabilități principale:
Responsabil de verificările necesare în vederea finanțării dosarelor de credit;
Analiza profilului clientului și verificarea acestuia în baze de date interne și externe;
Luarea deciziei finale în conformitate cu profilul clientului și respectarea procedurilor interne;
Ce cautam:
Cunoașterea limbii germane (nivel A1/A2, B1/B2);
Diplomă de bacalaureat
Bune abilități de comunicare
Abilitatea de a analiza și sintetiza
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Stivuitorist autorizat iscir
Numele companiei
Tip job
full time
Pregateste marfa in depozit si o transporta in locurile special amenajate din sectoarele de productie;
Transporta paletii cu piese finite din sectoarele de productie in depozit, pe rafturi;
Colecteaza deseurile rezultate in urma activitatilor din productie si le depoziteaza in spatiile special amenajate;
Descarca si incarca camioanele cu marfa;
Participa la inventare;
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Middle Frontend Developer (JavaScript)
Develop new user interfaces for live casino games and internal informational systems.
Build reusable code and libraries for future use.
Ensure the technical feasibility of UI/UX designs.
Optimize applications for maximum speed and scalability.
Collaborate with other team members and stakeholders on all parts of the stack.
Create technical documentation and well-commented code.
Minimize and maintain 3rd party library dependencies.
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Middle Frontend Developer
Develop new user interfaces for live casino games and internal informational systems.
Build reusable code and libraries for future use.
Ensure the technical feasibility of UI/UX designs.
Optimize applications for maximum speed and scalability.
Collaborate with other team members and stakeholders on all parts of the stack.
Create technical documentation and well-commented code.
Minimize and maintain 3rd party library dependencies.
Afișează tot
• Pregateste marfa in depozit si o transporta in locurile special amenajate din sectoarele de productie;
• Transporta paletii cu piese finite din sectoarele de productie in depozit, pe rafturi;
• Colecteaza deseurile rezultate in urma activitatilor din productie si le depoziteaza in spatiile special amenajate;
• Descarca si incarca camioanele cu marfa;
• Participa la inventare;
• Asigura ordinea si curatenia la locul de munca.
• Studii medii;
• Carnet de stivuitorist vizat;
• Abilitati de operare PC: MS OFFICE (Word, Excel);
• Bune abilititati de comunicare si relationare
Hutchinson Group
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Tendering Engineer
Link pentru aplicare https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3990971437
Min 3 ani experienta pe santierele de constructii civile
Min 3 ani inginer ofertare-decontare
Permis Auto
onsite/CIM/8 000-10 000 net ron
Primele 12 luni (inginer ofertare-decontare):
- Propunere financiara. ( windev, intersoft ... etc); 3 luni
- Propunere tehnica ; 3 luni
- Intocmirea documentatiilor pentru participarea la licitatii: eligibilitate, clarificari; 3 luni
- Implementarea ofertei in procesul de executie si relationare cu proiectantii; 3 luni Afișează tot
Mid/Senior Arhitect
Candidatul Ideal
Absolvent(ă) a Facultăţii de Arhitectură
-> Experienţă profesională – minim 5 ani (middle-senior) cu accent pe elaborarea proiectelor de DTAC pentru ansambluri rezidentiale documentatia complete (Inclusiv avizare si documentatii aditionale pentru terti)
Softuri specializate:
AutoCAD (nivel avansat)
ArchiCAD RoTemplate (nivel avansat)
SketchUp (nivel avansat)
D5 (optional)
3DSMax (optional)
Corona/V-ray (optional)
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Product Owner
About you:
We are seeking a talented and dynamic Product Owner who will focus on evolving our Access Workspace story. We want to create a suite of outstanding features that will be surfaced on our flagship product Access Workspace to enhance our customer’s experience. You will play a vital role in working with the divisions and defining the product roadmaps.
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Programator Python
About you:
We are looking for a talented Data Developer.
You will be a key member of a brand new taskforce that will leverage the wealth of product data within Access. You will be working closely with colleagues from areas across the organisation including Product, Customer Success, and Sales; all driving towards a common goal of delivering impactful benefits to the company’s operations, and giving our customers the freedom to do more.
Day-to-day, you will:
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Sursa anunț https://posturi.gov.ro/anunt/sofer-auto/
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POSTURI.GOV.RO – Posturile vacante în administrația publică din România
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Sofer auto
Clubul Sportiv Universitar Târgu Mureș
Expiră in 2024-08-22
Funcții de execuție
Instituții locale
Funcție contractuală
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Technical Lead / Solution Architect
experiență în programare JAVA
experienta cu solutii SAP eCommerce
■ Programming languages: Java, Apache Groovy
■ Frameworks/Technologies: Spring, JUnit, Hibernate, SAP
Commerce, React
■ Databases: MySql, SQL Server, Oracle
■ Software Development Methodologies: Scrum, SAFe
■ Tools: Tomcat, Solr, Fredhopper, FirstSpirit
Responsabilitati generale:
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Platform Developer
"Bolinda Labs" is searching for a Platform Developer | DevOps.
Must have 3+ yrs experience with DevOps
Must have experience with AWS, Kubernetes, Terraform, Java/Kotlin, Go & Linux
Must be able to work hybirdly in Darmstadt, Germany
Must speak German AND English on C1 level
More info: https://app.juucy.io/job/65d056a0f71985893d4179d9
Minimum 3 years of experience
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Java Expert/ Developer at Juucy
vhaus" is searching for a Java Expert/ Developer.
Must have 3+ yrs experience with Java in the Frontend
Must have experience with legacy systems and code (check tech requirements below!)
Must be able to be on-site in Oberhaching near Munich during the induction period
Must speak German on at least C1 level and be located in Germany
More info: https://app.juucy.io/job/65c24979e1b2aa5779e5636e
Client application (front end)
Code guidelines
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Python - 3000 euro
About you:
We are looking for a talented Data Developer. You will be a key member of a brand new taskforce that will leverage the wealth of product data within Access
. You will be working closely with colleagues from areas across the organisation including Product, Customer Success, and Sales; all driving towards a common goal of delivering impactful benefits to the company’s operations, and giving our customers the freedom to do more.
Day-to-day, you will:
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Director Tehnic Constructii Civile
Ce cautam?
- persoana pasionata de proiecte, cu experiență relevanta în activitatea de construcții civile
(minim 10 ani) si cunoscator a tehnologiilor si metodologiilor de execuție a lucrărilor;
- cunoștinte bune de Project Management cu privire la planificarea, executia, monitorizarea
si controlul lucrarilor;
- persoana dinamica si energica, sociabila si prietenoasa, cu bune abilitati de
interrealtionare, comunicare si negociere, cababila sa coorodneze echipe de executie
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Electrical Engineer
Lead the design and development of electrical systems and components for automotive products from concept to production;
Create detailed electrical schematics, wiring diagrams, and support layout designs;
Develop and implement test plans to ensure the product meets performance, reliability and safety standards;
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Civil Engineer
We are seeking a talented and experienced Civil Engineer to join our team in Ploiesti, Romania. As a Civil Engineer in Ploiesti, you will have the opportunity to work on exciting projects in a dynamic and growing city.
Key Responsibilities:
Planning and overseeing construction and maintenance of various structures and infrastructure projects in Ploiesti;
Ensuring projects comply with local regulations and standards;
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Inginer mentenanta echipamente medicale
Utilizarea multimetrelor - masurare consum curent si tensiuni joase; cunostinte de electronica, electro tehnica, electro mecanica si optica
Indemanare in lipirea diverselor componente plastic/ composit/ metal prin aplicarea de adezivi (mono/ bi-component)
Atentie la detalii de finete in repararea si fixarea pieselor si a subansamblelor
Cunoasterea limbii engleze este obligatorie - nivel conversational (scris si vorbit) mediu-avansat
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Middle Software Engineer
SuperAwesome focuses on developing products aimed at ensuring child safety and privacy in the digital space – this is the mission of the company.
Our stack is entirely cloud native, and it includes technologies such as AWS, Terraform, Kubernetes, Kafka, Node.js and Typescript.
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Angajam Project Lead- Timisoara
Angajam Project Lead- TimisoaraInginer Proiectant Instalatii Electrice
Pentru proiectele noastre de cale ferată în curs de desfășurare din Germania, suntem în căutarea a doi ingineri proiectanti instalatii electrice (middle / senior).
Link to apply direct https://www.bestjobs.eu/ro/loc-de-munca/inginer-proiectant-instalatii-electrice-251
Elaborati proiecte instalatii electrice (joasa tensiune, curent alternativ) pentru sectorul feroviar;
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Consilier Vanzari
• Atitudine pozitiva, entuziasm, orientare spre rezultat;
• Initiativa, perseverenta, simtul detaliului;
• Cunostinte utilizare PC nivel mediu;
• Abilitati de comunicare si putere de convingere;
• Flexibilitate si deschidere la sugestii;
• Interes pentru maxima satisfactie a clientilor;
• Capacitate de a lucra in echipa;
• Cunoasterea limbii engleze reprezinta un avantaj.
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Product Manager
Este necesară experiență în muncă de minimum 2 ani iar într-o poziție similară de minimum 6 luni.
Acesta va prelua misiunea de a dezvolta vânzările pentru unele dintre produsele din portofoliul Sedona.
De aceea, trebuie să aibă abilități de comunicare, promovare, dar și interes pentru domeniul IT sau marketing online. În plus, trebuie să știe limba engleză pentru a comunica cu clienți și furnizori.
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Junior TYPO3 Software Developer
Must have very good knowledge of TYPO3: Typoscript, installation, configuration, templating
Must have have knowledge of extension development, PHP, MySQL, Fluid, ExtBase etc.
Must be able located in Germany (full-remote job within Germany)
Must speak German and English on at least C1 level
You have very good knowledge of TYPO3: Typoscript, installation, configuration, templating
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Senior Platform Engineer
You think production first - our platform is the backbone of SuperAwesome business and you default to preserving its stability, scalability and security at all costs.
You treat every change as mission critical.
You believe that platform IS a product - and you approach your development by prioritising the most impactful work: work that can multiply the effectiveness of other engineers.
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Sales Representative
Essential Duties and Responsibilities
Conduct outbound calls to prospects using provided scripts or guidelines.
Engage with potential customers to understand their needs and recommend suitable products or services.
Overcome objections and handle rejections professionally to maintain a positive brand image.
Follow up on leads and inquiries to nurture relationships and move prospects through the sales pipeline.
Close sales and achieve weekly, monthly, and quarterly Targets.
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Junior IT-Systemadministrator
Must have successfully completed training as an IT specialist or similar
Must have previous experience (Min. 0,5 - 1 year)
Must be able to be work hybridly in Melle, Germany
Must speak German on at least C1
Successfully completed training as an IT specialist or similar
Previous experience (Min. 0,5 - 1 year)
Very good IT knowledge and willingness to familiarise yourself with new topics
Ability to work independently and responsibly
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Full Stack Engineer - Tenso at Recruitment Room
160000 $ - 220000 $ anual
Apr 08, 2024
Work Sponsorship: Unavailable
Industry: Software Development
HQ: Canada
Size: 1-10 Employees
Funding: Seed | $3M
About The Company
We're the leading NFT Marketplace on Solana. We’ve done over $600m in total traded volume, given back over $30m to our community, and serve over 300,000 traders every month.
What makes us special:
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Junior developer
Mandatory Skills Description:
- Mandatory Computer Science Faculty / Cybernetics / Mathematics / Informatics graduated
- Min 1 Years working hands on experience in Java
- Java 8
- Dependency Injection/ Inversion of Control (Spring or JBoss)
- Unit and Mock Testing (JUnit, Mockito, Arquillian, Cucumber)
- Java Message Service (JMS)
- Web Services (JAX-RS, JAX-WS)
- Strong understanding of Design and Architectural Patterns
- Apache Maven
- Continuous Integration tools (Jenkins or similar)
- Linux operating system
- Stash: GIT Repository Management
- Spoken English language is a must
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Devops Engineer Azure
Day-to-day, you will:
Work within a high performing cross-functional team delivering a variety of solutions across our applications.
Maintain, evolve, and improve our CI/CD pipelines and software build processes.
Monitor build systems for alerts, and proactively resolve.
Engage with development team on process improvements and new functionality.
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Responsabil HSE
Responsabil HSE
Compania noastră caută un Responsabil HSE dedicat și pasionat, care să se alăture echipei noastre. Dacă ești o persoană orientată către siguranță, mediu și sănătate, aceasta este o oportunitate excelentă pentru tine.
Elaborarea și implementarea politicilor și procedurilor de sănătate, siguranță și mediu în cadrul companiei;
Monitorizarea și evaluarea riscurilor de securitate și sănătate ocupatională;
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Oferte angajări
hashtag#Oportunit hashtag#Carier "Salut! E timpul să-ți faci remarcat CV-ul și să primești ofertele de vis! Actualizează-ți CV-ul acum pe site-ul nostru https://awork.ro/ și fii printre primii care vor fi contactați de către firmele interesate. Oportunități incitante te așteaptă! #Oportunități #Carieră" @everyone Afișează tot
Programator Full Stack
About the job
Do you possess experience as backend and frontend Software Developer, with excellent communication skills, problem-solving oriented team-player and a positive attitude?
Are you ambitious and would relish the opportunity grow your career in a Romanian software company? If the answer is ‘yes’ to these questions then we would love to hear from you.
What you’ll be working on
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Python - 3000 euro
About you:
You are a seasoned Data Engineer, who is comfortable with both PySpark and SQL.
You have strong communication skills, form good relationships with colleagues, and enjoy working with people.
You are a pragmatic problem solver with a bias to action and an appetite for getting things done.
You are passionate about data and the ever-evolving technology that is used to leverage it. You keep up to date with the latest trends and tools in Data Engineering.
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Office - Sales Assistant - 5000 lei
Crestem continuu echipa asa ca acum avem nevoie de O Persoana care sa ofere Asistenta Echipei de Vanzari in Constructii aflata in Teren
Sarcinile acestui post le descriu mai jos pentru clarificarea responsabilitatilor:
1. Asigura suport pentru echipa de vanzari
2. Preia de la agent sau direct de la client cererile de oferta si Intocmeste ofertele de vanzare
3. Preia de la agent sau direct de la client comenzile de livrat și urmează procedura pentru pregătire și livrare
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Main Responsibilities
Provide planning, designing, implementation, operation and optimization services around Cisco’s Data Center products and solutions;
Delivers Cisco authorized trainings;
Participate in the preparation of proposals and Statements of Work. Establish trusted advisor relationship with internal teams and partners on Data Center Infrastructure areas and future technology trends;
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Technical Support Engineer
Day-to-day, you will:
•Help our customers with questions and allow them to get the mostout of our software by resolving their queries in accordance with ourSLAs
•Provide high-level customer service via chat, telephone or casemanagement
•Promoting our three in house software systems, includinghelping customers register and manage the software, plusoffering support and advice.
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SecOPs Specialist
Knowledge Preferred:
Demonstrates extensive knowledge and/or a proven record of success in the following areas:
- Application and technical subject matter, analytical skills, and resolving complex problems in collaboration with others;
- Privileged access management services and understanding of related infrastructure functions that are applied to support;
- Management of Service Level Agreements (SLAs);
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Demand Planner
Facilitate the Sales & Operations Planning Process (S&OP) and escalate, where needed, identified demand forecast, risks and develop effective mitigation plans.
Maintain and communicate routine and ad-hoc demand related reports for management.
Ensure validity of forecasts for new products, seasonal products, discounts and promotions.
Coordinate with relevant teams to monitor and maintain optimal inventory levels.
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