Frontend Developer Typescript

Toate anunțurile de la Remote

  • HTML5
  • C#
  • CSS
  • TypeScript

We are building complex applications using Typescript, with more than 50 other engineers contributing to the code base on an almost daily basis - writing quality, maintainable code is as important as giving clear and concise feedback to your peers. Real-world experience with application-level concerns in the front-end, like authorisation, localisation, routing and state management is also essential to this role. We expect you to have an excellent grasp of all things front-end, including traditional HTML, CSS and Javascript outside of the ecosystem, as well as knowledge of modern front-end infrastructure and tooling - we use open source tools and automate where we can, but occasionally we need to extend or build our own internal tooling, usually using Node.

Your responsibilities

Play a leading role in the future of our web client architecture and platform
Evolve and develop our front-end infrastructure to ensure we enforce quality at every step, from development to production
Drive and encourage a focus on testing and improving our overall code quality
Mentor and guide junior developers toward the right solutions
Design, code and test in Typescript, for our design system and web client
Design composable, accessible components for our design system
Participate in our front-end guilds to improve and evolve our software and processes

How we work

Small iterations with deployments on a daily basis
Collaboration through pair programming and knowledge sharing based reviews
Test - the full testing pyramid, from unit tests to automated user interface testing
Scrum and Kanban processes where we find them appropriate
Regular retrospectives to ensure both personal and team growth
An open, honest and fun team atmosphere where we do our best to enjoy each day
Every other Friday is dedicated to developer growth and innovation with hack days where you choose what to do
The technology

, ES6+, Typescript, Prettier, Webpack, Rollup, Tailwind and more
REST through .NET Web API
Variety of microservices written in , Golang and C#
We use AWS, Azure and Google Cloud Platform
Kubernetes and Docker on our platform, and Teamcity, Appveyor and Travis for CI

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