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Scrisoare de intenție
Șofer de camioane-Suedia

Kolmårdens Buss and Transport AB is a family company in third generation. We have coaches and trucks and are now looking for Truck drivers who would like to be a part of our team. In our company we want our drivers to prosper and be proud of their work. Our drivers want do a good and professional work and respect the costumers and the co-workers. We follow the rules and stand for quality and secure transports. We hope to find you who like to stay and work for us, build a good relationship with our customers and drive our trucks into the future. We are looking for truck drivers fron Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Hungary, Germany or the Neatherlands Semi-truck drivers for semitrailer trucking in Sweden. Most of the time one 1 offloading and then 1 loading and then back to train or ship. Stockholm-Norrköping. Sleeping in the truck. CE driving license tachograph card, and code 95 card. Experience from this type of work is a plus. We are happy if you speak a little English. Probation time at temporary contract, maximum 6 months, and then permanent if everything works out fine. Full time, 40 hours a week. Salary according to Swedish collective agreements, net 2400 Euro/month. We have work positions open right away and will start contracting drivers before dead-line of vacancy as soon as our agreements are signed. Send your CV

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