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Scrisoare de intenție

Fișa jobului Job Description: Bring your talent and passion to Accenture! Sharpen your skills, build an extraordinary career and play key role in creating solutions that transform organizations and communities around the world. You can choose one of our two six-week internship sessions: 24th of June - 2nd of August 5th of August -13th of September Locations: #Cluj-Napoca, #Targu-#Mures and #Timisoara An intern at Accenture has the following responsibilities: Realization and extension of highly innovative software solutions; Analysis, development, testing and documentation of the components using technologies like C#, .NET, C++, Java, JavaScript, HTML5, Android, Xamarin, Automation Engineering (PLC, SCADA), Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence (SQL Server, Analysis Services, Integration Services, Reporting Services); You will gain relevant work experience in all phases of industrial software development, personal and professional development by working with our experts, individual training and coaching inside the company, outstanding working conditions in a young and dynamic environment and possibility of part-time or full-time employment. Join Accenture Digital and grow your career in entirely new ways. Send your CV by 1st of June 2019 to ! Basic Qualifications: Computer Science student or equivalent; Good English communication skills and proactive participation in providing innovative ideas and solutions; Interested in different technologies related to industrial automation; Professional Skill Requirements: Basic object-oriented programming knowledge; Ability to work creatively and analytically in a problem-solving environment; Eagerness to learn.

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