• Customer

Within your role, you will:

Work Office-based in Bucharest;
Offer customer support via e-mail, inbound calls, ticket or chat;
Answer & solve customers’ inquiries & complaints by offering an accurate solution;
Follow predefined workflows & handle issues specific to each communication channel; ;
Respond to all customers inquiries within given timescales and efficiently meet deadlines;
Take, register & solve notifications or complaints;
Update the database with all the details about each customer interaction;
Participate in testing/launching / implementing new working products or tools;

Email *
Prenume şi nume *
Limba preferată *
Introdu aici codul primit pe adresa de email furnizată
(verifică și în secțiunea spam/junk)
Ultimul loc de muncă *
Calificări *

Trage fişierul aici sau Selectează

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