• Histopathology

Wishing to progress your Histopathology career by pursuing your interest in Perinatal Pathology?
Have you active Specialist IMC and more than 1 year experience as a Consultant Histopathologist?

You could be joining a leading maternity hospital in their Pathology department undergoing daily tasks such as:
Organisation and provision of services by the Pathology department
Education of NCHDs and other staff members, training and department audits
Involvement in Clinical Audit Committee and Ethics Committee as required.

Remuneration includes:
New Public Contract Salary
Continuous education leave with up to €12,000 in vouched for expenses
€8000 funding for research
30 days annual leave and 10 days of public holidays

To Apply:
Please send your CV mentioning reference M-73 at info@phd-jobs.net
Tel.: +44 20 8144 2822
Contact person: Vitaly Pryadka
Web: http://www.phd-jobs.net

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