Office Manager

Toate anunțurile de la Remote

  • Office Managers

Office Manager

We are seeking a highly organized and detail-oriented individual to join our team as an Office Manager. This position plays a crucial role in ensuring the smooth and efficient operation of our office environment.

We require:

At least 3 years of full-time working experience in an international professional environment (previous experience in a law firm is a plus);
Bachelor's degree is required;
Proficiency in Microsoft Office;
Excellent communication skills and multi-tasking ability;
Proficiency level of English (French or other foreign languages represents an advantage);
Dedication, confidentiality and a high level of organization skills;
Willingness for learning new things and showing open attitude;
Proactive approach to problem solving;
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills;
Knowledge of office equipment, including printers, scanners, and copiers;
Ability to prioritize responsibilities effectively

Offering support to the local team on administrative tasks;
Manage the schedules for our team, including coordinating appointments, meetings and travel arrangements;
Handle front desk responsibilities, correspondence, office supplies maintenance of office equipment, facility maintenance
Oversee and coordinate office administrative procedures and review, evaluate, and implement new procedures
Handle the preparation and distribution of reports, presentations and other materials;
Conduct research and analysis as needed;
Ability to deal with a multitude of administrative and secretarial duties (document processing, typing and formatting);
Overall coordination of all activities related to current functioning of the office;
Organizing events, team-building, meetings, etc.;
Preserving and maintaining the records of the firm;
Assistance to Director regarding Marketing and Business Development suppo

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