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Atenţie: Încărcaţi doar documente (doc sau pdf) cu o mărime mai mică de 2M

Scrisoare de intenție
M-Files solution implementation specialist
  • Team-focused

We are looking for an M-Files solutions implementation specialist for document management to work with the team in Romania and Finland. Planning, architecture, configurations, developments, integrations, maintenance, support. Remote, long duration, CIM/SRL. 35-37 eur/h. it can be from anywhere in the EU Qualifications: Minimum 2 year of experience in document control related field highly preferred. Equivalent combination of related education and experience can be considered. Strong verbal and written communication skills, ability to work effectively with different groups. Proficient and confident in using Microsoft 365 is a plus and highly preferred. (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, and Teams) Minimum 2 year of experience with M-Files M-Files offers an innovative metadata-driven document management platform. M-Files gives midsize and enterprise businesses a leading edge. Employment Type Full-time

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