
Toate anunțurile de la IT Remote

  • C#
  • Xamarin

sau Typescript / Apache Cordoba
HAXE – really nice to have 😊
persoana (pro)activa, dinamica.

You will develop high-performance application using internal frameworks distributed as git repositories (linked as sub-modules) or internal nugget packages.
Decision-making and development of interesting and complex tasks;
Code review;
Implementation / use of the best and most modern technologies, practices, methodologies for the task;
Evaluation of technical complexity and timing problems.

4+ years of experience working with .Net Framework using C#
2-3 years of experience working with JavaScript, Typescript, HTML5
Knowledge in object-oriented design
Experience with client development in client-server application
Experience with async programming

Nice to have
Experience with: Programming for IOS, Android, Windows phone 8
Experience with API social networks (facebook, vk)

Email *
Prenume şi nume *
Limba preferată *
Introdu aici codul primit pe adresa de email furnizată
(verifică și în secțiunea spam/junk)
Ultimul loc de muncă *
Calificări *

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