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Scrisoare de intenție
PHP Developer
  • PHP
  • API
  • Laravel
  • PHP Applications
  • PHP Frameworks

full time long term Employee or Contractor/Romania We are looking on behalf of our client: An international outsourcing/IT company- excelling in cloud application development, online shop development; CMS/OSM, CRM/ ERP development. Present in Romania also Project: PHP developer for an accounting/financial project. Our client needs a mid-senior PHP developer who can deliver clean code for this financial platform stored in cloud; Perspective: there will be projects with plain PHP coding (data integration from ERPs ) as well as custom-made projects (using frameworks). You are a match if: > You are hands- on web applications development and implementation; > You have previous experience in implementing 3rd party APIs; > You have strong debugging / diagnostic and analytical skills; > You have strong knowledge of OOP; > You have strong PHP & MySQL knowledge overall; Benefits: freedom of space so that you can deliver results, performance bonuses, trainings. About brightANTITY: We provide matching services for Professionals in Romania specializing within the Technology, Engineering and Manufacturing sectors. Our client portfolio includes small and mid companies in the Electronics, Mechanical, IT industries. We focus on results and long-term nature of the relationships we have with our clients and candidates. Follow

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