• English
  • Medical Assisting
  • Nurses


Se cauta asistenti medicali/ nurses care sa activeze in clinici private din Kuwait!

Pentru mai multe detalii, DM!

“So as for job desription,its working in beauty clinics,most of the beauty clinics will have a dermatology department,laser department and dental department .The job if in laser department she will do laser hair removal ,tattoo hair removal and all laser related treatments.If its in the dermatology department then she will be helping the doctor as an assistant ,Preparing botox,fillers and doing masks for patients.If its in the dental department she will be assisting the dentist in preparing the instruments and taking x-rays.all nurses also are responsible for autoclaving the instrument and making sure they clean and sterilized. As for the hours of work they will be doing 8 hrs/day ,6 days /week. Salary should be around 550 -600 kwd plus accomodation and flight tickets.”

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