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Unannounced Audit Visit 2021
  • Auditing

TOEFL: Unannounced Audit Visit 2021 Prometric test centers administer certification tests for many exam programs, one of which is the TOEFL English language exam. These test centers aim to measure compliance with certain standards and procedures to make sure the testing environment is fair and secure. Unannounced audits help to maintain security and service standards at the test centers. Before the visit • You will need to provide us with the type of ID you will be bringing to verify your identity, and your full name as written on the ID. Your name must be spelled correctly – if the spelling does not match the ID, you may not gain entry if there is a discrepancy. • You will then receive the Letter of Authorisation from us, at least 48 hours before your visit. You MUST PRESENT the LOA at the audit. You can either print it out or present it via your phone. • The LOA acts as confirmation of your visit. The day before the visit, you need to CALL THE CENTRE to make sure it will be open. This is to check if there have been any last minute closures due to Covid. We will provide you with the number of the test centre. Please say that you are calling to check if the TOEFL test will be running tomorrow. Do not give them any further detail and DO NOT reveal that you will be conducting an audit under ANY circumstances! Once you have received an answer, end the conversation quickly. 1. Make sure you read the audit form so you know what you will be asking and which pictures you will need to take. 2. Ensure you know where the test centre is. 3. Plan how you will travel to the Test Centre - consider parking, local transport links, etc. Work out the timings: you should plan to arrive no less than one hour early for the security process. • Please watch this 6 minute video which will enable you to familiarise yourself with the visit; • • We have provided a file called “What to expect on test day” – please read this if you would like further information on the test process On the day MAKE SURE THAT YOUR PHONE IS FULLY CHARGED ON THE DAY OF YOUR VISIT AS YOU WILL BE TAKING PICTURES DURING THE AUDIT PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU ARE FOLLOWING THE COVID RULES AND REGULATIONS OF YOUR LOCAL AREA DURING YOUR VISIT Ensure that you arrive an hour early in order to take pictures before the candidates arrive and in order to assess check-in. You are representing Storecheckers, so please ensure that you are polite and professional at all times. Whilst you are there, if you see anything of note with regards to Covid compliance, please make a note of it. Pictures to be taken 1 Outside of the building 2 Signage to indicate business name and TOEFL testing 3 Candidate waiting area 4 ADA bathroom (USA only) 5 Check in area 6 Facilities for storage of candidate items 7 Test Lab (If more than 1 please take pictures of all labs) After the visit Please fill out the report promptly, making sure that you have provided your own observations in the sections marked “Please detail your thoughts” The report must be emailed to within 24 hours of your visit.

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