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Scrisoare de intenție
Medici Stomatologi / Dentists-The Netherlands, Belgium
  • Academic Medical Centers
  • Adult Students
  • Dentists
  • Laser Dentistry

We have a serious shortage in healthcare Medical and Dentistry in the Netherlands, and in Belgium. Is this perhaps your chance to develop your medical career in one of the most modern countries in Europe? Then register now, to receive benefits on our Dutch language training program. Did you ever consider working in the Netherlands or Belgium? Do you know what kind of possibilities these countries offer? Have you read about the lifestyle, culture of people, and labor law in these countries? If the answer to these three questions is "Yes", we invite you to continue reading, otherwise we advise you to inform yourself about these possibilities and you will certainly see the greatest opportunity to make your dream come true. Care Force is searching for Dental Practitioners, and Orthodontics Specialists for Belgium or The Netherlands! For ambitious and growing dental group practices in the Netherlands and Belgium, we are looking for dentists and orthodontics specialists with several years of work experience to become part of the dental team. Together with this team, you’ll be offering modern dental healthcare to patients in 3 or more locations. There are lots of opportunities to grow professionally as well as personally like clinical meetings, courses, presentations, and studies within their own organization. The Netherlands is known for the well-organized and modern healthcare system. In the specialized clinics is a flat hierarchy and a warm and social work environment. Reasons for choosing this job: A pleasant and professional working climate; Great work-life balance; Salaries end up earning a maximum of €150000 euros per year. 30% tax deduction for a period of 5 years; 22 holiday days per year; Holiday allowance (8% of your gross yearly income); Training budget of about €4000 per year; Flat hierarchy in the clinics. Requirements This is you: Fluent in English, or French language ; Specialists with excellent clinical and outpatient skills; Prepared and willing to learn Dutch or French language (via Care Force 17 weeks in-house language training). EU passport and EU Study Diploma; English language B2-level minimum. Note! Please, do apply only if you really want to relocate to The Netherlands, or in Belgium for the long term and you are ready to learn their language. Benefits Apply via Care Force Medical and: Leave all administrative and organizational matters to a dedicated team Get help arranging the correct documents and registrations Prepare for a career abroad through our Language Academy Have everything arranged from A to Z: contract negotiations, housing, banking, insurance, and registrations. For more details, please check our website. Are you challenged by this position? Then we look forward to your application! Does the outlined position not suit you, but do you know someone who fits the profile perfectly? Please forward those vacancies and give your colleagues the chance to discover career opportunities.

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