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Software Designer
  • Software Design

Who are we? We’re a custom business AI software development company. We’re newly established in Q3 2020. What we do is partner with enterprises, businesses, and companies in order to help them save money, maximize their income, create new streams of it, and automate parts of their business on top of making them grow exponentially. This is possible thanks to the software we develop for them from scratch, tailored to their business. What differentiates us the most from our competition is how we manage our clients, we partner with them enabling both of us the best possible long-term conditions. The second worth-mentioning thing is, that on top of the next-generation level technology and all the offered benefits that come with our partnership is our ludicrous pricing which is thanks to our partnership 30% - 60% lower than any of our not even near competition. For those reasons we’re now able to expand into the US, where we’ve decided to build several remote teams, starting in California. These are sales teams, teams that are going to help us do what’s best for our clients. These teams are structured in a profound and professional way, enabling us to tackle even bigger, harder, and more advanced challenges. At the end of this year, we’re moving from Europe and establishing ourselves in NYC fully, building our 2nd headquarter. SOFTWARE DESIGNER ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Analyze customer needs (RFQs) and develop replies (SOWs); negotiate with customers Communicate overall design and approach to a team of programmers; create flowcharts, diagrams, other models, and programming instructions to guide programming team Review requirement and design changes, determine what parts of software are affected, and direct programming to meet requirements; determine specific components of Develop test scenarios and test cases; review results of test cases and make adjustments, as needed, to meet requirements Document all aspects of software, for ongoing maintenance and revisions Collaborate with other IT specialists, technicians, etc., to deliver software solutions Perform other job-related duties, as needed Will coordinate with business analysts and technical business analysts alongside some sales reps. You will use conducted research by BA, the provided solutions by the TBA, and their own research to tie our given service to the problems of the prospect’s company as software features, etc. (No programming just technical reports, ad specification overviews, etc., a very creative job, yet professional job within our workspace). Works in conjunction with internal or external customers and other IT staff (designers, developers, administrators, managers, etc.) to facilitate software design, development, testing, and implementation. Software design documentation may be reviewed or presented to allow constraints, specifications and even requirements to be adjusted prior to programming. Redesign may occur after review of a programmed simulation or prototype. It is possible to design software in the process of programming, without a plan or requirement analysis, but for more complex projects this would not be considered a professional approach. Software Designer A software designer is responsible for problem-solving and planning for a software solution. After the purpose and specifications of software are determined, software developers will design or employ designers to develop a plan for a solution. Requirements: Know your way around the tech world of software Programming skills aren’t needed though creativity and tech knowledge crucially is. Rich Creativity Preservative, determined, and motivated Willing to work Full-time remotely 9 AM to 5 PM / 8 AM to 4 PM No degree required we let our employees prove themselves with skills Based somewhere within Europe REMOTE Jobs offers: The annual salary is ++36.000,00 EUR, though it’ll be reevaluated and possibly raised over time Raises and promotions Signing bonus Bonus salary Quarter bonuses Paid leave Sick leave

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