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Scrisoare de intenție
Senior Episerver Expert
  • Microsoft Applications

We are now looking for a Senior Episerver Expert for our end-client delivery. In this project, you will be part of an international team working on improvements of a Finnish department store's web shop. The end-client already has an eCommerce-solution, but it is an transition phase. In this assignment you will have a great opportunity to raise ideas and define your own work. The transition phase lasts from December 2020 until February 2021, and after that the project shifts maintenance and further development. In total, the assignment lasts up to 2 years. The allocation is approx.100%. The person we are looking for should have the following skills: Experience with Episerver Commerce from at least two different projects Good overall understanding of commerce related concepts and terminology At least 3 years of experience with Episerver CMS cases Microsoft .NET core and ASP .NET expertise At least 5 years of experience in building MVC and Web API applications New feature design and backend development capability Can communicate and write fluent English. Agile development experience Proactive attitude and courage to challenge the existing and to suggest new Also, Episerver UI development experience is considered as an advantage

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