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Scrisoare de intenție
Cloud Sales
  • Cloud Computing
  • Sales

Be the number one or two in ICT distribution in all countries where we are active. Increase our sales revenue and profitability by continuous growth. Secure our cost-leadership by constant process optimization. Access the largest possible number of customers and achieve their highest-possible satisfaction. Offer our business partners greater benefits than comparable competitors with innovative services. Be the leading distribution partner of all vendors with which we work. Be the most attractive employer, since our employees are the key to our success. Always be a reliable, socially oriented, and ecologically responsible company in everything we do. Goals for the department: Develop cloud sales, especially Microsoft Modern Workplace and Azure Sales Increase market shares in partnerships with new dealers and vendors Be accessible, have short response time, customer understanding and competence Achieve growth as a result of conscious choices and high quality standards Shared responsibility, rooted in the individual's will and attitude to do their best Purpose for the position: Develop the business area with existing and new customers Develop good relations with customers Deep knowledge about customers´ and vendors´ business, including their concept and strategies Make visible to the dealer what ALSO can contribute with and the benefits we provide the dealer. Must skills: +3Years experience in sales Sales experience with proof of good results Selling, analytic, structured, communicative and relations-oriented personality High-potential to adapt, cooperate and create good solutions

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