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Scrisoare de intenție
Android developer
  • Android
  • Java
  • Android Development
  • Android Studio
  • Kotlin

Job description We are an international company committed to build solutions for several domain of activities. We are looking for software programmers interested in joining our growing development team. We are offering 1 position for a software developer with the following profile: Programming languages: Java and/or Kotlin Tools and technologies: Android Studio, Android OS OS: Android The position is open for both intermediate or advanced programmers. The software programmer we are looking for will be involved in the development of several software platforms that embed the last technologies like: Voice Recognition, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality; to be used by medium and large companies in the management process of their supply chains. Important requisites are: Team working attitude Problem solving capabilities Professionalism and punctuality Availability to adapt to an organized working model Availability to travel abroad for short periods. Working hours: 9:00-13:00, 14:00-18:00 The workplace is located at Bucharest, Sector 3 Type of contract: permanent with a trial period of 90 days (or freelance if requested). Benefits Bonus at the end of each year based on the attained results Career opportunities within the organization Training courses in Romania and abroad.

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