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Scrisoare de intenție
Mid/Senior Java Developer
  • Java

Mid/Senior Java Developer (Onsite – Cluj-Napoca) Project: Maintenance and development of our products Data Gateway and Test Data Generator On Data Gateway organizations and users can transfer, share, access, and use your data securely across systems and security zones — without the risk of exposing PII (Personally Identifiable Information), or other sensitive information. On Test Data Generator we can provide test data, which resembles production data in virtually every aspect. Good test data is difficult to obtain. The best test data is production data, but in most cases, production data cannot be used for testing due to issues related to privacy, security and/or segregation of duties. Therefore, it is often necessary to manually create test data to test software and systems. This manually-generated data will typically not represent the production data in format, volume, errors, or irregularities. Company Description: We are a Danish based company that offers the only truly secure solution for transparent encryption of PII (Personally Identifiable Information). Now more than ever, data is on the move — between systems and applications, between security zones, and moving across physical, virtual, and cloud infrastructures. At any point along the way, Personally Identifiable Information)., confidential- or sensitive information could be lost or stolen. Our specialized products can mitigate this risk. Encryption can protect Personally Identifiable Information)., confidential- or sensitive data and thus enable new uses of the data. Our products remove any relation to specific persons in the data but preserves most properties of value in the data. We guarantee transfer, share, access, and use your data securely across systems and security zones — without the risk of exposing PII (Personally Identifiable Information), or other sensitive information. We enable organizations to store, use and share their data across systems and platforms without security- or privacy concerns. We do that by providing products, tools and services build on top of our world-leading, patent-pending format-preserving encryption technology.

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