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Atenţie: Încărcaţi doar documente (doc sau pdf) cu o mărime mai mică de 2M

Scrisoare de intenție
QA/ Tester plus C#-remote
  • C#
  • QA Automation
  • Unit Testing

Project description* Full-synch feature: The goal of this feature will be to Integrate changes on electronic documents for multiple devices from multiple users. The synchronization in offline mode will also be possible. Competency Focus: - Test Engineer: o C# knowledge o Ability to elaborate test plans with the underlying test scenarios – this will especially be the case for new features; o TDD knowledge o Experience in the automatization of manual regression tests in C# – the manual test plans are already documented in the backlog o Experience in the automatization of end-to-end tests o Competency in writing Unit Tests, Acceptance Tests or Integration Tests - Experience with the development of Windows Desktop Applications Nice to have: o Experience with installers and changing registry keys o Scrum experience o CI / CD experience Task description* The Test Engineer will be integrated in an agile development team and he will need to: - Go through a know-how transfer phase, in which he will learn from the current QA how the existing products are tested - Work with 2 versions of the application which have different testing environments and different test plans - He will take over the elaboration of the test plans for new features - The bulk activity inside the team will be to develop the automated tests in C# either for regression tests or for the new test plans - He will need to jump in also with manual tests when a new release has been deployed and to monitor the success rate of a release Is onsite activity required?* If yes, in which location and for what period? No – the know-how transfer phase can be organized remotely

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