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Scrisoare de intenție

LUXURY PROFESSIONAL JEWELRY SALES STAFF RECRUITMENT FOR ON BOARD OF CRUISE SHIPS Key requirements: MUST have strong sales ability. Have a strong sales background. Excel in closing sales. High goals with high-income potential - basic + aggressive commission structure (best in the industry). This is an amazing opportunity to represent an award-winning brand, I need salespeople who have a strong desire to play the lead role in their professional development. Who will be able to run the boutique with no fears of being overwhelmed. Must be hard working, energetic, passionate, organized and must be able to ‘think outside the box’ Travel – Flight/Hotels/Transfers: BELLARRI will cover all reasonable flights to and from the ships. Overnight hotels are pre-paid, and transportation to / from ship is reimbursed. Accommodations: Best available guest cabin onboard (shared with a ‘BELLARRI’ roommate of same sex), for the duration of contract. Exception may be during a short training period that a trainee may be required to be in a ‘Crew’ quarter for a short / limited amount of time. Rank/privileges: BELLARRI Ambassadors are entitled to most all passenger areas when boutique is closed. This includes, Guest gym, theatre, restaurant, lounge, coffee barista, pool deck and much more. Contract: 6 months minimum, due to onboarding procedures/protocol. Medical: Norwegian Medical valid for 2 years Visa: C1D, B1, Schengen visa. Up to date STCW certificates with minimum of 3 years remaining. Profit sharing bonus after one year on being with the company, paid to Ambassadors each year HOW TO APPLY : Resume to Online website:

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