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Scrisoare de intenție
Freelancer-full-time remote
  • IOS
  • Qlik Sense - QlikView Development
  • QlikView
  • QlikView Development

1. SAP MII Consultant 2. Senior iOS Developer cu Swift pentru un client din Finlanda 3. Power BI Developer pentru un client din Germania din industria de manufactura 3.Project Description Migrate 100 reports from QlikView to Power BI Skill Requirements Power BI development experience 1SAP MII acts as a bridge between business and shop-floor systems, delivering real-time production information regarding production orders, materials, inventory, equipment, production costs, product quality, traceability, etc. SAP MII helps manufacturing companies respond quickly to unplanned events (customer requests, materials shortages, equipment failure, product recalls, etc). An experienced SAP MII that will have the main task to handle the second level of consultancy for this module. SAP MII delivers: • Manufacturing Integration: A single ISA-95-compliant layer enabling SAP ERP connectivity into real-time plant floor apps (MES, SCADA, legacy apps.) to drive plant-to-Manufacturing Intelligence enterprise business process inter-operability. • Manufacturing Intelligence: A real-time analytics engine that aggregates and delivers unified visualization of events, alerts, KPIs, and decision support to production personnel through role- based dashboards.

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