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Scrisoare de intenție
Golang Developer for cloud environments
  • Java
  • Cloud
  • Cloud Computing
  • Python
  • Agile
  • AWS
  • Azure
  • SQLite
  • Scrum

Must have Technical skills: Working experience programming in Golang Strong knowledge of Golang programming paradigms, constructs, and idioms Strong knowledge of Golang specific concurrency patterns, goroutines, and channels Experience with Go modules Knowledge of containerization and virtualization Good understanding of data structures and algorithms Understanding of Object-Oriented Programming concepts Understanding of REST APIs Experience working with Linux commands and utilities Soft skills: Very good written and spoken English Work effectively in a distributed team Problem-solving attitude, ability to analyze business requirements and propose fixes Willing to learn and deliver using a wide range of technologies Good communication skills and team player Profilul candidatului Nice to have Understanding of Software Engineering, Computer Science and Agile/Scrum principles Experience with other programming languages such as #C/C++, Java or Python Experience with #BoltDB, MongoDB and SQLite Experience with go templates Experience with AWS/Azure/GCP Experience with Git and GitHub

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