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Scrisoare de intenție
.NET Software Developer

Quanta Resurse Umane is looking for Software Developer, in Timisoara, for a company that provides solutions for managing IT Environments and Datacenter, developing the best product for IT Processes & Workflow Automation. Requirements: - University degree in Computer Engineering/Science or equivalent education; - Minimum 2-3 years of experience; - Very good English; - Analytic and problem solving skills; - Experience with Git, Azure DevOps; - Experience with C#, .NET / ASP.NET Core, Rest API, HTML, Java Script, CSS; - Experience with MS SQL / Relational databases; - Good German – advantage; - Experience with: Workflow Foundation, Azure, Active Directory, Angular, Type script – advantage. Responsabilities: - Working with the latest .NET technologies (.Net Core, Entity Framework). Benefits: - Motivating salary; - Performance bonuses; - 23+ Vacation days; - Sport memberships; - Flexible Schedule; - Medical benefits.

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