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Scrisoare de intenție
iOS and Android developers
  • Android
  • PHP
  • IOS
  • Javascript
  • Python
  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • Laravel

Lead developer at ambitious impact investment startup Do you have a passion for designing great web applications and developing high quality financial software? Can you lead customer-driven development processes and tech architecture discussions? Would you like to join a dynamic team and create positive change? Then read on … We are D.L., a Copenhagen-based fintech-startup with a mission to democratize the access to sustainable investing. Our digital platform guides people to invest in areas of their liking, such as renewable energy, innovative healthcare and social impact - and tell them about the impact they make. By making it easy, engaging and possible to invest from as little as DKK 1000, we aim to create a movement of people investing in a more sustainable future. We will launch in the summer. Technology is key to our success and we need a dedicated lead developer to • Be responsible for our tech architecture • Lead our customer-centric development processes and formulate technical requirements • Improve, maintain and optimize the current solution while building new parts of the solution from scratch • Work with both the front and back end of internal web application with great knowledge of PHP, HTML, JavaScript and CSS. Knowledge of Laravel and Python would be an advantage. • Be involved in building the tech team as we scale We expect that you have 3-7 years of experience, preferably in a digital startup. You are driven and get things done with a high level of integrity. You thrive in a dynamic environment with ongoing decisions and fast execution. You are energetic, a fast learner and like working in a team. You have the ability to adapt and seek out new ideas and technologies. Your base needs to be our Copenhagen office. We are a small team, which means that you will be part of strategic discussions, practicalities and everything in-between. We are ambitious and opinionated with an important agenda, but are also pragmatic and enjoy work in a relaxed atmosphere. We have a flexible work environment focused on results. We are based at Copenhagen Fintech Lab, which is a community with around 40 startups. If you share our excitement about the agenda, then please apply as soon as possible and before April 10 by sending an application

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