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Scrisoare de intenție
  • Oracle
  • Java
  • SQL
  • .NET
  • QA Engineering
  • SQL DB2

Environments Management  Produce/Coordinate all Environment stats, trends, reports, targets and corrective actions  Extensive experience with change control management across multiple environments  Design systems to support continuous delivery and adapt test environment management to support on-demand, self-service automation  Ability to estimate work effort required to bring test environments to readiness  Knowledge of platforms supported include Java, .NET, and a number of dynamic languages all running on app servers integrated with relational databases running DB2, Oracle, and SQL Server.  Forecast environment requirements based on anticipated future demand from multiple application development teams  Ability to co-ordinate with suppliers, local teams and 3rd party change control co-ordinators  Excellent communication skills with close attention to detail (written and verbal)  Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills  Experience using Remedy tool for change control management  A working knowledge of HP ALM or similar incident tracking tools  Ability to drive issues to closure and work well within a deadline-driven environment  ITIL foundation as a minimum Ability to communicate with stakeholders: project management, QA, and engineering management  Ability to understand modern approaches to deployment automation on both cloud-based infrastructure and bare-metal servers and work closely with release managers and release engineers to track the availability of limited testing resources  Focus on scheduling accuracy with the ability to

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