
Toate anunțurile de la It Jbs

A GPS-Tracking portal for customer which is working on the construction

Construction machines like caterpillar, excavators and so and truck etc.
are equipped with GPS-Tracker. The GPS-Tracker send data to our
portal and the customer have the possibility to see where the vehicles
are. Additionally they have more options for reporting and see digital
delivery notes from asphalt mixing plants. Basically the client is used for
process control.
The task for the programmer is to bring the old logic in new technology
and do changes and development also in the old system. Further to help
our Support in any case of questions.
Programming languages

Technologies Java core
 Java Servlets
 JDBC, SQL, Flyway
 Spring MVC, Spring Boot
 Thymeleaf
 Hibernate, JPA
 REST, SOAP, Jax-RS, Jax-WS
#HTML, #CSS, #JavaScript, Jquery
Operation systems:
They will
need to go
occasionally in
Germany at the
client site.

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