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Scrisoare de intenție
Full stack Java Developer

Context of the position As a software engineer, you contribute to the digital transformation of the bank and will be the driving force behind developments, such as Open Banking. All development is done using the latest cutting edge technology with the use of Cloud technology and Microservices. Within our department we develop and manage all the online channels of the bank like: online banking app, onboarding for online secure clients and digital identification. Our latest technology stack includes Back-end: Java 8 / 9, PCF (Pivotal Cloud Foundry), Spring-Boot 1.5 / 2.0, Spring 4 / 5, GIT / Bitbucket, Maven / Gradle & Groovy, Jenkins, Confluence, JIRA, Linux, IntelliJ IDEA / VSCode. Front-end: Angular7, Typescript 2 / 3, Stencil, WebComponents, Ionic 4, CSS, Selenium, WebDriver, Jest, Gonzales, NPM / Yarn, NodeJS, Jenkins, Confluence, JIRA, GIT / Bitbucket / IntelliJ IDEA / Eclipse, CI/CD. With each other Collaboration is at the heart of everything we do. Our DevOps teams bring talented people together to provide the best online solutions. We have a natural drive and focus on what we do. With each other, we make mistakes as well. Our environment allows that so we can learn from each other and grow as a team. And off course we experiment with the latest technologies. Requirements What do we expect from you? - you’re talented! - you know your game, Java Development in an Agile way-of-working is your cup of tea - you speak Dutch and English And off course there’s your unstoppable hunger and drive to create the best solutions for our customers. Also, we're looking for developers with DNA that is embracing changes and self-leadership is obviously part of this as well. We offer We give you the space to innovate and do business. In this way, we offer you plenty of personal development opportunities and help you exceed your expectations and to become extraordinarily good at what you do, so that you can grow as a professional. On top of this you can count on us (for example, a 36 or 40-hour week): Be a part of significant events focused on knowledge (sharing) and fun; A more than interesting salary package which includes a thirteenth month; An Employee Benefit Budget (9 or 10% of your monthly income). You decide how to spend this budget. This may include purchasing extra leave days, making additional pension contributions or even receiving a monthly cash payout. 100 % reimbursement of the costs of home/work travel if you travel by public transport! Do you still prefer to travel by car or motorbike? Then choose a home/work travel allowance. Participate in one of the best pension schemes; cv on

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