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Scrisoare de intenție
Technical Support

Required professional and technical skills: - Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and Javascript - Knowledge about the internet and how websites work - Analytical thinker, fast and independend learner, willing to learn new technologies, results oriented towards highest levels of customer satisfaction - English language, writing and speaking, combined with good communication skills - Good Microsoft Excel and Outlook skills You'll be responsible for: - Technical supervision and coordination of advertising campaigns in Gemius ad serving systems - Keep in touch with the clients, answering their questions, implement our products and discover alternative implementation methods for irregular cases - Debug problems that might appear on implementation - Developing new features and modules that might help our clients - Creating reports and analyze data - A lot more interesting stuff to do, depending on your experience and willingness to improve your skills (Adobe Photoshop, Google Web Designer, Python, Django, etc) What we offer: - A local senior technical support specialist is available to help and support - Trainings and certifications from Gemius HQ (Poland) - Annual technical workshops in Poland (Warsaw) - Career opportunity in an international organization. - The possibility to improve your skills in one of the most fast growing industries (online advertising) - Young and friendly working environment - Downtown office (close to Piata Victoriei, from 10:00-18:00) - At least one teambuilding per year (sometimes more than one)

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