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Scrisoare de intenție
Senior Java Developer

We are currently looking for an experienced Java Developer to join our team. Technologies Overview: - Java 8 - Hexagonal architecture - Advanced search technologies - Spring Webflux- reactive programming paradigm - Jenkins pipelines, Kubernetes - Compodoc - Swagger- Open API 3.0 - Elastic Search - Jet Brains IntelliJ - Docker - Angular 8 - Ngrx Store - Material Design/ PrimeNg - Agile Team. What we offer: - Continuous support for your next steps (annual budget per employee for personal/ profession growth: trainings – technical & soft skills, certifications, conferences) - Medical insurance (for your wife/ husband and children included) - Gym Subscription - Massage at the office from a young trained team - Work from home and flexible hours - Monthly Team lunch budget and monthly Technology lunch budget - Young and friendly working environment - Being part of a growing organization with German roots With locations in 20 countries and our own products in more than 46 countries worldwide, CompuGroup Medical SE is one of the leading international providers of software in the healthcare sector. The company puts itself entirely at the service of the healthcare providers, physicians, pharmacists, laboratories and hospitals. The vision: to make their work increasingly easy and enriching. We have solutions helping with patient data acquisition and treatment options, electronic invoices, better practice organization – and much more.

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