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Scrisoare de intenție

The ideal candidate for this position is smart and passionate with excellent programming background and skills:  Experience in software analysis, design and implementation  Good/excellent programming skills in C#, ASP.NET, HTML, CSS, JavaScript  Microsoft Certification is a plus Your role will be to:  Work as part of a team or independently, being able to handle multiple projects/tasks.  Participate in architectural decisions thinking strategically and creatively when designing a technical solution.  Effectively translate business requirements into technical requirements and create solutions accordingly.  Produce high quality technical deliverables.  Be involved in mentoring and support of junior colleagues and peers. We currently use the following technologies: C#, .NET Framework, .NET Core ASP.NET MVC / Web API / Web Forms JavaScript, jQuery AngularJS, ReactJS Windows Workflow Foundation Windows Communication Foundation SharePoint Server 2016/2019 Project Server 2016/2019 Office365 Visual Studio SQL Server Windows Azure 300.000 angajati la nivel global 1200 - in Romania Echipa lucreaza pt State, nu pt piata din Ro. Parte din branch-ul de adviseri/ consultanta de business (nu audit) Slogan - digital in everything we do Firma independenta pana acum 3 ani pe project si portofolio management - adresate companiilor mari, clienti din SUA, implementare solutii de PM. Aspecte fundamentale: schedule & taskuri, resurse (roadmap management - resurse umane si nu numai), financial, tracking la benefits (e.g. ROI, retention rate). 29 in echipa - plan de extindere pana la 35 persoane Urgenta - 2 persoane pana mid-febr. Exonmobil - oil and gas din SUA. Lucreaza EY cu dep lor de capital planning si cel de upstream (extragere petrol) Lucreaza cu Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Pfizer - farmaceutice Lucreaza cu Microsoft - data center, cloud computing - proiecte de administrare data center #2ani #experienta cv

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