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Scrisoare de intenție
BI Developer

The ideal candidate for this position is smart and passionate with excellent programming background and skills: Experience in software analysis, design and implementation Good/excellent programming skills in #T-SQL, #MDX, #DAX, VBA Engage with business stakeholders and analysts to understand the business processes and translate the requirements in functional and nonfunctional specifications for the BI projects. Use Power BI, Reporting Services (SSRS) and Excel Servicesto develop reports that surface data from relational and multi-dimensional databases. Write ad-hoc queries, create reports as requested and export/import data from/to spreadsheet and flat files. Design and optimize #SQL# Server relational databases and use Analyses Services (SSAS) to create OLAP cubes and tabular data models, recommend and implement best practices. Provide support for reports deployment and configuration, dealing with issues related to performance optimization and data access security. Prepare technical documentation.We currently use the following technologies: #MicrosoftSQLServer Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) Relational databases, SQL/T-SQL, Stored procedures cv on

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