SharePoint Support Engineer

Toate anunțurile de la It Jbs

Ideal candidate for this position is smart and passionate with excellent technical background and skills:
Experience in providing technical support for enterprise applications
Basic understanding of #Microsoft operating systems
Basic understanding of #networking concepts
Basic understanding of relational #database sand reporting technologies
Basic understanding of #Microsoft #Azure (IaaS and PaaS)
Knowledge of Batch and #PowerShell Good/excellent analytical and communication skills
Microsoft Certification is a plusYour role will be to:
Work with endusers to resolve common SharePoint and Project Server issues -access issues, workflow issues, queue issues, archiving projects, data import.
Work with the client's IT teams to analyze event logs and #troubleshoot application infrastructure issues.
Build scripts to automate variousa pplication maintenance activities
#Configure new SharePoint and Project Server instances.
Assist with upgrade of SharePoint and Project Server instances.
Assist with #data #migration and validation activities.
Work with EY technical team to deploy and support custom SharePoint applications.repare technical documentation and weekly/monthly incident reports.We currently use the following technologies:
#Office 365, SharePoint and Projec
#SQL #Server #Windows #Server #Active #Directory #Azure TFS, #Git, #Visual #Studio SSRS, Power BI, Excel Service and Tableau

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