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Scrisoare de intenție
Junior Project Management Office-Mons, Belgium

Location: Mons, Belgium Security Clearance: NATO Secret DUTIES: Provide #Project #Management Office support to the project, including scope,budget and schedule maintenance. Maintain the Enterprise Project Management tool updated for the project and assist the project manager in any relevant duties. Project portal administrator - maintain the project's SharePoint site and ensure folders are structured well, documents are regularly updated and organised effectively and version control is correctly applied. Maintain a document tracker against all expected contractual documents for a software release. Maintain a document compliance sheet for each contractual document that undergoes internal review. Ensure that functional and contractual requirements are defined in the Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) document for each software release and track the delivery against these requirements in the RTM. Produce high quality documents including price proposals and Statements of Work. Interact with internal and external stakeholders, including Contractors and NATO organizations. Follow-up project execution: documentation review, testing, delivery, etc. Support project team members as required with documentation tracking, review and responses to suppliers. Travel to other NATO locations if required. Adhere to NCI Agency guidance and directives, and more generally NATO Standards. Any other PMO duties as mandated by the Project Manager. REQUIREMENTS: [M] A university degree in Project Management, #Computer Science, or related discipline [M] Experience as a #PMO in CIS projects (2 years); [M] Experience as a project #team #leader (#1 #year); [M] Thorough knowledge and experience with #Microsoft Project and Microsoft Enterprise Project Management (#EPM) solution [M] Flexibility to work outside normal duty hours as and when required [M] Knowledge and experience in state-of-the-art technologies, relevant to the work [M] Proven ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing with good briefing skills, in English [M] A formal qualification in project management and management techniques (#Prince2, #Scrum, #PMP) [M] Able to operate under time pressure and autonomously, and able to multitask continuously; [M] Ability to independently produce project documentation in English, including price proposals and Statements of Work [M] Ability to interact with internal and external stakeholders (including customers) cv

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