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Scrisoare de intenție
Jobs for Doctors in Vietnam

If you are Specialist Doctor in Gastroenterology, Psychiatry or Obs / Gyn and you want to work for a Prestigious Private Clinic from Hanoi, Vietnam, we invite you to apply to the following offer: Salaries: ♦ Gastroenterology: $10,000 net / mo ♦ Ob / Gyn: $7,000 –$8,000 net / mo ♦ Psychiatry: $5,000 net / mo Employment Details: ♦ 2 years contract ♦ Trial period: 2 months ♦ Daytime shifts (occasional overnight hours, if needed) ♦ Standard working week: 44 hours Requirements: ♦ Good English Level ♦ Young Specialist can also apply Complete the Application Form (it will take you less than 2 minutes) to get in touch with us!

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