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Scrisoare de intenție
IT Support roles with European Commission

#Brussels General Requirements:  Proven knowledge in end user assistance or support of information systems  Excellent knowledge of ITIL  Good IT skills  Knowledge of wiki, collaborative sites and social networks  Excellent communication / writing skills.  Good reporting methods.  Ability to give presentations.  Ability to apply high quality standards  Ability to participate in multi-lingual meetings, good communication skills.  Capability of working in an international/multi-cultural environment, rapid self-starting capability and experience in working in team; leadership capability.  Able to cope with the needs of multi-language site deployment.  Excellent knowledge of Relational DBMS, preferably ORACLE and tools like SQL Developer or TOAD  Good knowledge of #SQL (preferably Oracle)  Able to cope with the fast-changing technologies • Documentation Writer:  User documentation no relocation package the candidates need to own limited companies for themselves and issue monthly invoices cv on

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