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Scrisoare de intenție
For our location in Röthlein (Germany) we are looking for truck drivers f

For our location in Röthlein (Germany) we are looking for truck drivers for day trips, immediate beginning possible your tasks: - You deliver general cargo with 12 t-trucks (with and without trailer) or with 40 t-trucks with swap trailer. - Standardized tours / traffic between factorys possible - You only go on day trips, no long hauls (daily return guaranteed). your proflie: - You have the driving license category C or CE and a driver card. - At best you have a dangerous goods and fork-lift license, but it is not compulsory. - You are flexible, able to work under pressure and have improvisational talent. - The position is also suitable for applicants from Europe ( B2-level of German language is necessary. If you want to relocate, we are pleased to help you to find accommodation).

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