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Scrisoare de intenție
Junior IT-Systemadministrator
  • Administration CRM et ERP

. Must have successfully completed training as an IT specialist or similar Must have previous experience (Min. 0,5 - 1 year) Must be able to be work hybridly in Melle, Germany Must speak German on at least C1 Technologies Windows Requirements Successfully completed training as an IT specialist or similar Previous experience (Min. 0,5 - 1 year) Very good IT knowledge and willingness to familiarise yourself with new topics Ability to work independently and responsibly Reliable, structured way of working Ability to work in a team, strong communication skills, organisational skills and a high level of willingness to tackle issues on your own initiative Responsibilities In-house consulting Planning and realisation of IT strategic concepts and projects in the company in cooperation with the corporate group Administration and maintenance of the existing ERP system (Trend) Network administration of Windows servers and IT workstations with MS operating systems and IBM i5 Technical support for users in all areas of the company with hardware and software problems Coordination and monitoring of external services

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